Monday, November 23, 2009

Lesson Plans and Philosophy of Learning

A quick entry on lesson plans. I have never written a lesson plan before this semester. I have had the good fortune to write three and two are "high stakes" lesson plans. The internet was a great resource, but with so much information and my inexperience in what lesson plans are, I "started from scratch to write them. I probably will be glad I did, but it is very slow going. I constantly revise and change the activities, which means I am basically completely rewriting the lesson plans. The amount of time I spent on the plans is already significant, and deadlines are looming.

The amazing or fun part of the lesson plan is that I keep finding very cool internet resources, and ways to foster the "teachable moments." Each time I find a cool resource, I want to include it in a lesson plan and try it out on a class. Not teaching and having such a tight focus on these two main lesson plans limits my exploration and creativity.

Oh well, I will have to be sure I make and keep a list of all the web links and resources I am currently working with and later on I can review them later.

Lastly, philosophy of learning is very much pragmatic, in what I have read of Dewey. Experience and continuity as well as the Aesthetic or the living creature engaging art. I hope to finish reading Art as Experience and begin on some feminist philosophy and process theology as they engage Dewey’s educational philosophy. Not enough time…..

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